Create a page with Elementor
Sample Page with elementor

Create a page with Elementor

When working with WordPress you can choose different ways to create your website. One of the easiest ways is to use the plug in Elementor and with this post I will show step by step how you can get started with that.

One of the first things you have to do is to install the plug in Elementor and this can be done by going to you plugins section in WordPress and select “add new”. Type Elementor in the search screen and type in elementor in the search box to the right of the page. Make sure you install it and your activate it. Of course you can first preview it, but it is a very popular plugin and appreciated by many people including myself. Of course it is beneficial if you have basic HTML, CSS and PHP knowledge as it will make you understand the concepts in more depth.

After this you can create a page and do some basic setting in the page. Usually you want to switch off the side bar by setting your content lay out to 100% full width and disable the title. You can update these settings and you will find the button “Edit with Elementor”. After you press this your page is now updatable with Elementor. This is a drag and drop page compiler which makes it quite easy to set up a page with common features. I have created a sample page like this and have included a pdf that guides the absolute beginners through. The sample page can be found by pressing the link sample page.

Elementor has default templates for you to use, but the page above was created from scratch so to say. Personally I think from scratch is fast enough to skip the templates. Also other webdesigners have created templates for you to use, but the downside for me is that you will be less original and spend a lot of time removing sample content from others. The advanced templates from others do offer learning on how to achieve certain effects.

Elementor has a free version and a pro version that can be bought. With the free version a basic website can be done but for some of the more advanced functions the pro version is a recommendable spend. It allows you to do more advanced things will make your site stand out. Nevertheless the free version will get the job done as well.

Please let me know in the comment section if the sample page and how to pdf was appreciated and whether it was detailed enough or too detailed. In any case, with Elementor you can create websites very quickly and feel like a pro in no time.



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